Featured on Blogher

I have a post syndicated on Blogher!  It is pretty cool!

You can check it out here.

It’s my post about my WIC experience.  The only post that has ever raised even a tiny bit of controversy on my blog.

  Check it out.  It has been edited a little bit by yours truly, but it’s mostly the same idea.

I’m excited. 

Can you tell?

About giannarae

I am a child of God who has been given the humbling job of being a wife and a mother to 4. Those whom He has given to me are my Sweet Peas and Buddies and one Honey.
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10 Responses to Featured on Blogher

  1. Jess says:

    Congrats Gianna, that's awesome! 🙂

  2. congrats chicka! that is so exciting!!!

  3. Jenny Aust says:

    Yeah! Look at you! All published and everything! Very cool!!!

  4. Yay, you!
    Congrats! *grin*

  5. andie says:

    Congrats. So happy for you! It's a really great story in a frustrating way… if you know what I mean!

  6. Woooow Gianna! That is so awesome! I just read your story. I can't believe someone would treat you like that! How ridiculous : ( It shouldn't have to be embarrassing to use WIC. If we apply for it when our second baby comes, I'm totally using it! I feel the exact same way you do.

    Congrats again, girl!
    Love, Laura

  7. Congrats! That's so cool. Love Blogher 🙂

  8. Congrats on the syndication!!! :o0

    Wow! I had to use WIC when I was pregnant w/ Christen and then for a while after she was born. The stigma is horrible, especially since I was a teenager mother (and it didn't help that I was 18 but looked 12). Since then, I've paid enough in taxes to pay the gov't back 1000x's over. I'm happy that it's there to help others, it's the one who take advantage that I'm not so keen on.

    I also remember when my dad & step-mom had to use foodstamps. In 2001 he was diagnosed with prostate cancer and he had a laser procedure to remove his prostate. They removed the prostate and no cancer was left, but the doctor nicked his bowel and he almost died. He had to use a colostomy bag and had other complications. He couldn't work for a long time and my stepmom lost her job b/c she was taking care of him. They have both worked and paid taxes since they were teenagers so to me, they had every right to use the foodstamp program. She hated going to the store though b/c she could feel the eyes on her.

    Big ol' HUGS to you!!!

  9. Pamela says:

    ohh..So happy to hear that for you..Congratulations. I think I will love this blogher. Keep on posting.

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