a realization

As I was driving into my office for lunch for Secretary’s Day (aka Administrative Professionals Day), I was thinking about how I was doing so great with Fourdatzky being added to our family.

I thought, “Wow!  I am so glad that I’m doing so well!  I’m finally learning how to relax and have a baby!  It only took 4!  I feel so great!”

Then, I stopped.

And the next thought that came to my mind was, “I’m doing so great because I’m on my MEDS!”

Silly me.

I totally can see why people think they can get off their anti-depressants.  They make you feel so great because they are doing what they are SUPPOSED to.  (well, I guess it doesn’t happen for everyone.  Some people still struggle.  I’m not trying to minimize other people’s struggles.)

I do have to say I’m so glad that I’m on Zoloft.  And I’m so glad we started it BEFORE Fourdatzky was born.  This has been the easiest transition of all 4.  Being on my meds has been so so SO worth it.

About giannarae

I am a child of God who has been given the humbling job of being a wife and a mother to 4. Those whom He has given to me are my Sweet Peas and Buddies and one Honey.
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5 Responses to a realization

  1. Amanda says:

    SO glad you are having an easier time at it… that picture is so precious!

  2. gianna says:

    Thanks! Chris is a pretty good job!

  3. Sounds like you made the right choice by starting the meds, Gianna. I'm glad they're helping you!

  4. that is an adorable picture and I am so glad the meds are helping so much! Glad to hear the transition has been smooth!

  5. My ADHD Me says:

    Hurray for you!I had an awful time after my second was born. My docs and my mom-in-law knew something was wrong but I kept insisting I was fine.
    Lucky for me, my mom-in-law helped out A LOT while I dealt with my own issues. It would have been SO much smarter to get help at that time.

    Funny thing is NOW (14 years after my last baby was born) I take Xanax.

    I can be SO stubborn.

    I'm really glad you are feeling so much better than last time.

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