laughter lives tuesday

Laughter LivesThis post is part of “Laughter Lives! Tuesday” on the Riggs Family Blog. Check our their blog to read everyone else’s “Laughter Lives!” posts.

maya is 3 years old. she will be 4 in less than 2 months. she has ALWAYS been a talker. she loves to talk about everything and anything. ALL THE TIME!
one sunday morning as i was getting ready for church, i let her and her sister (brin who is 2) watch a little pbs. mr rogers’ neighborhood was on. since my husband works most sunday mornings, it is up to me to get myself ready and all my little ones out the door. so to me, mr. rogers was the perfect 20 minutes of time to myself to get ready. i guess i didn’t realize that i needed to use more discretion than that.

as soon as mr. rogers was done, i got everyone packed up and out the door and we were going to be on time. honestly, this is amazing! when we got to church, i pulled out the stroller, snuggled brin and dane (who was 7 months at the time) into it, and told maya that she was doing a great job running through the parking lot alongside me to try to get in as fast as possible.

after a few breathless moments inside church, we made our way through the halls to the preschool wing. as we were doing that, we past the kindergarten room and it’s teacher. the teacher was mr. woodbury. he has been at our church since before i was born. he was either waiting for his wife or greeting the kids who were coming in or both. as we passed him, maya mentioned to me in a not so quiet voice, “mom, he looks like mr. rogers.”
slightly mortified, i replied loudly to her, “oh? i think that’s a compliment!” and we continued through the halls to the appropriate classrooms!

About giannarae

I am a child of God who has been given the humbling job of being a wife and a mother to 4. Those whom He has given to me are my Sweet Peas and Buddies and one Honey.
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