knit and woven together inside ME

Every time I have been pregnant, I have had the priviledge of being pregnant with someone. I LOVE being pregnant with my friends. I didn’t get to share this pregnancy with my friend, Kim, this time. BUT I got to share it with my friend, Jeanelle, again. Her due date was EXACTLY 8 weeks before me, so she is currently going through the trials of a newborn (with the 2nd) while I struggle with getting out of whatever position I have been in for more than 5 minutes.

And my friend, Jenny. We have decided that we will probably deliver the same day–her baby will be born in Brainerd and mine will be born in the cities. But she is due less than 2 weeks after me. For my past 3 babies, I delivered basically around my due date and SHE will probably need to be induced (and possibly early) SO our babies will pretty much share the same birthday (I guess technically they would anyway)

Here I am! 37 weeks. At this point, our little guy is probably kicking me or sitting on my bladder. That isn’t necessarily a smile; it quite possibly is a grimace.

I have been talking to my supergirls about this baby’s name. As we have been talking , I can hear the excitement and LOVE in their hearts. This little guy is going to be so so loved.

This picture idea was stolen from Chris’s cool cousins, Pete and Natalie, but I just HAD to do this for my last pregnancy. I LOVE it!

About giannarae

I am a child of God who has been given the humbling job of being a wife and a mother to 4. Those whom He has given to me are my Sweet Peas and Buddies and one Honey.
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7 Responses to knit and woven together inside ME

  1. Love all the pictures. I have always thought prego women are BEAUTIFUL. You are just a walking miracle and I get so excited to see that round tummy. Love the heart on your tummy!

    Can't wait to meet him!

  2. Jess says:

    Perfect beautiful round belly.

    Best wishes for a safe and easy delivery.

  3. Jenny Aust says:

    You look GREAT Gianna! It looks like ALL baby to me! I can't wait to see pictures and hear all about Baby Boy!!!

    Oh, and I am pretty much uncomfortable after being in any position longer than 3-5 minutes. (Baby Girl especially loves my right ribs…I swear they are bruised!)

  4. I was pregnant with my second child at the same time as my best friend from high school was pregnant with her first.
    I don't know when her due date was, but my baby came early. It was a few days later, when my hubby called her to tell her that our Joshua had been born that we found out – Her baby had been born on the same day as ours. And we each gave them the same name! (Except the middle names are spelled differently.)
    Yeah, we had no idea we were thinking the same on names!
    Just like the day in high school when we wore virtually the SAME outfit to school. (Identical skirt, very similar shirt and shoes. NO ONE believed us when we said we hadn't called each other! LOL)

  5. It is so fun to be pregnant with your friends. I have a friend who I've been preggo with for 3 out of our 4 pregnancies!

    This time around I am preggo with so many gals from church, from HS, and from bloggyland. What fun!

    Looking forward to “meeting” your newest superhero!

    Your looking great, hang in there, you will see him soon!!

  6. My ADHD Me says:

    This is just not fair! You are one of those women that is pregnant where she is supposed to be….her tummy. I was pregnant ALL over. I was HUGE! I outgrew all my maternity clothes except one dress that could have actually passed for a tent.
    Quite the woman you are too….I have 2 and thought I would lose my mind. OK, maybe that is the problem. Maybe I DID lose my mind….hhhmmmmm….something to ponder.

    Looking forward to pictures of the big event….well, not necessarily of the event itself, but at least of the result.

  7. Amanda says:

    You are SOOOOO darn cute! Cant wait to run that belly! 🙂

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